Integrate our experts with white-label services
Let us do all – or some of – the heavy lifting.
Our white-label service embeds experts within a retailer's business to strengthen or build a Retail Media Network from the inside. Our experts work with your teams, either virtually or in your office, to build and execute a winning retail media strategy. We collaborate with your team to develop the RMN brand, plan campaigns, and measure results. We complement your existing assets by providing expert talent wherever needed across sales, insights, analytics, technology, and media, helping you create a powerful media brand that drives brand investment and boosts sales.Wherever your retail media offering is today, let SMG be the accelerator and put your RMN on the path toward greater profitability. We’re experts in staffing Retail Media Networks with experts deeply qualified to assist across RMN functions. These aren’t media buying specialists, but dedicated, specialized and highly qualified retail media experts with the knowledge and experience needed to build and run every facet of a Retail Media Network.